Putting power in
your hands
Vigilent improves the operation
of your facility while reducing
energy spend.

Vigilent is a fit for your facility
Vigilent systems save energy and increase your control in the widest range of buildings, whether they’re administrative space or data centers.
Data centers
Protect uptime while saving up to 40% of your cooling-related energy spend, expand your capacity without additional infrastructure, and reduce your maintenance expenses.
Commercial buildings
Maximize tenant happiness with temperatures that stay within your defined limits, while saving up to 20% of your HVAC-related energy spend.
At A Glance
From real-time monitoring to direct cooling or HVAC control, we make sure your facility is running constantly and efficiently.
Instant energy savings, rapid ROI
Vigilent can help almost any data center or commercial building improve efficiency and reduce energy costs.
Capacity planning
We can discover the true cooling capacity of your current facilities, and help you safely expand IT load.
Equipment lifecycle management
Our system can help site management prioritize maintenance on cooling and HVAC equipment as well as determine which systems may need to be replaced.
No-disruption deployment
Our industrial-grade, wireless network-based system and AI software quickly learn and optimize your facility. Deployment is fast and does not disrupt facility operation.
Operational insight
Hundreds of wireless sensors continuously monitor the state of the facility and your cooling or HVAC infrastructure; analytics turn this data into actionable insight that informs your decisions.