
The following is a list of Vigilent trademarks and service marks.

When you use a mark in a publication, include the appropriate ™, SM, or ® symbol on its first use. You should also use the appropriate attribution notice, for example: “AI-Driven Cooling and Energy Optimizer are trademarks and Vigilent is a registered trademark of Vigilent Corporation.”

The list includes suggested generic terms for each trademark, and you should include an appropriate generic term after the trademark the first time it appears. Thereafter, the generic term should appear frequently with the trademark. (Note: These generic terms are only provided as suggestions; you may use other words that are also appropriate.)

Remember that trademarks are adjectives, and they should not be made plural or possessive.

Vigilent Trademarks Generic Terms
AI-Driven Cooling® Application feature
Climate Sentry™ Server software
DASH™ Server software
Dynamic Cooling Management® Server software and hardware, application, control hardware/software
Efficiency Aware™ Application feature
Energy Optimizer™ Server software
Influence Map® Application feature
Intelligent Analytics™ Application feature
Intelligent Energy Management™ Server software and hardware, application, control hardware/software
Live Imaging® Application feature
Optimizing Mission Critical Cooling® Application feature
SLA Sentry™ Server software
Smart DASH™ Server software
SynapSense® Brand
SynapSense Logo® Logo
Thermanode® Hardware
Uptime Advisor™ Server software
Vigilent® Brand, HVAC management systems, server software, control hardware/software
Vigilent Data Center™ Facilities, data centers
Vigilent Logo® Logo
Vigilent Optimized™ Application feature
Virtualized Cooling™ Application feature

The absence of a product, service name or logo from this list does not constitute a waiver of Vigilent Corporation’s trademark or other intellectual property rights.

Revised September 20, 2023. This list and these terms may be updated from time to time, so please check back periodically.